I spent most of the day yesterday organizing homeschool materials, old papers from last year and new books for this year. I have a LOT …
Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am …
July is over and we’re full-on into the month of August. Primarily my goals need to be focusing around getting our school year in order, …
Our family has gone camping every year for pretty well the last 8 years. This is a tradition carried on from my hubby’s family from …
It is time! And I am so excited. You know you’re meant to homeschool when you start pulling out the books and schedule sheets and …
Hey! It’s August! How did that happen?! It seems the weeks are flying by, and the months are creeping up on me. Pretty soon it …
I had planned on updating this each week, but after my last week or so I had NO TIME and didn’t even get around to …
Whew, it has been a while since I’ve written anything! Why do I always expect to get SOOOOO much done over the summer months? I …
It’s been a while, but I’m linking up with Lisa Jo’s Five Minute Friday again. I love writing like this – free, unashamed, heart pouring …