With fall just around the corner, it’s time to pull those boots out from the back of the closet and get them ready to wear!
But what’s this?! These boots were made for ….. drooping?!
I should think not! Drooping boots is a sad, sad situation. To which there is a quick and easy solution, likely sitting in your garage or basement, just shouting to be used!
Boot shapers are EXPENSIVE, and not always easy to come by. My mom had some pretty sweet ones in a pair of vintage suede boots in their basement closet, and while they are really cool looking, like I said, they aren’t always a practical solution.
So what’s a girl to do about droopy boots?
I’ve tried propping them up against the wall, and I can just tell you, that NEVER works. How about the rolled up magazine trick?
Well, it worked, for a while, until the magazines became unrolled and flattened. Then I had droop all over again.
What’s the big deal about shaping our boots, anyway?
When our boots droop, we increase the potential for damage to be done to the suede and leather as it creases and cracks and dust collects on them. You spent good money on those babies, now do them (and your feet) a favor and make these super simple boot shapers.
DIY Boot Shapers
What you need:
1 or more sad pairs of drooping boots
1 or more foam pool noodles
Sharp knife
Measure the length of the pool noodle from the base of the inside of the boot to the top.
Cut the noodle at the correct length.
Insert into boot. No more droopy boots! Now your boots are perky ready to wear and roll!
Droopy boot.
Perky boot.
Simple :0)
What do you love the most about fall?
I can’t wait for cooler temperatures, warm socks and sweaters, hot coffee on cool mornings, and of course, boots! In case anyone is interested, these are my boots and they are THE most comfortable boots EVER, the Timberland Bethel boots – definitely a must for fall!