In the past, we have focused so much of our time and energy on learning about Advent and preparing our hearts in gratefulness and joy, anticipating the celebration of Christ’s birth. But the beauty and sorrow of Lent, followed by the joy and celebration of the resurrection of Christ is just as important a focus for our hearts.
Over the years we have gathered a few of our favourite Lent and Easter resources – to help us focus and reflect through Lent, create an atmosphere of remembrance of the great gift God has given to us of his Son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins (AMEN!).
These aren’t all happy-go-lucky Easter stories and books about bunnies – rather, these are stories and resources focused around scripture and the message of Christ’s salvation. Yes, some of them are cute and non-fictional, but each one has a message. They’ll make you think, examine your hearts, shout for joy, and yes, sometimes weep. For the young ones and adults, these are stories that will change your hearts.
Lent and Easter Resources for Families
- We have so enjoyed Arnold Ytreeide’s Advent stories – they are biblically based fiction that really bring to life the story of Christmas. Amon’s Adventure: A Family Story for Easter is an exciting story of a young boy (pssst, he’s the son of Jotham from Jotham’s Journey! :D) whose life is completely changed when his father is arrested and falsely accused. He thinks he can solve the problem in his own strength, but comes to realize how much he needs God. This book is meant to be read daily over the course of Lent, but is a great resource for any time. It had me in tears multiple times!
- These Stones Will Shout is a short daily devotional on scripture focused around the gift of Christ and his sacrifice. And it’s only .99 on Kindle!
- I cannot say enough good things about The Lamb
. This book is so simple, filled with beautiful images, thought-provoking questions, biblical theology, and ultimately, the message of Christ. If you get no other book this Easter season, please, do get this one! The clarity of the meaning of the sacrifice of Christ is so powerful and vivid!
Picture Books for Easter
- The Story of the Easter Robin is a legend of how the robin got its red breast. Though not a true story, it’s gives a very thought-provoking and powerful image of our heavenly Father’s love and provision.
- Humphrey’s First Palm Sunday is a cute, fun story about a conceited camel who is humbled in remembrance of who Christ is.
- The Light of the World: The Life of Jesus for Children
is a story chronicling Christ’s life from birth to death to resurrection. LOVE the pictures in this book!
Hands On Easter Resources
The Resurrection from GrapeVine Studies
We did this study last year, and are doing it again. Study Scripture and stick-figure through the Last Supper, Jesus’ Death and Resurrection. The kids love our GrapeVine studies!
We have enjoyed Amanda’s Truth in the Tinsel (hands-on activities for Advent) for a few years, and I’m so excited to see that she has a NEW study out for Easter – A Sense of the Resurrection! It contains 12 activities to be completed before Easter, each focused on turning our hearts toward Christ. Hear a little bit more about how to use it and Amanda’s heart for the project here.
Behold the Lamb – Easter Wreath – Last year was our first time using our Easter wreath. It not only adds a bit of Easter decor with scripture to your home, but it turns our focus to Christ. There are 8 days of Scripture to read (starting on Palm Sunday), each day focusing on one of the “I Am” statements from the book of John.