I have taken the Joy Dare. It hasn’t been easy this week. But who ever said that a dare was easy? Having these prompts each day has made me approach every day with an attitude of seeking. Thankful that the Lord has given me insight into daily things to press on in finding joy and his presence  no matter what or where.

150. 1 thing in the sky – snow

151. 1 thing from your memory – Awana nights and homeschool trips

152. One thing that’s ugly beautiful – the pile of lego/mega bloks/lincoln logs on the boys’ bedroom floor: signs of a good time with friends

153. One grace wrinkled – my wedding dress

154. One grace smoothed – my hair :D

155. One grace unfolded – time with a friend trying on wedding dresses

156. 3 gifts found in Christ – LOVE, servant’s heart, hope

157. 3 things blue – my hoodie, hubby’s eyes, Cinderella’s ball gown


158. One grace borrowed – my children (they are mine but for a time)

159. One grace found – my relationship with Christ and my heavenly Father

160. One grace inherited – Christian heritage and legacy – so thankful for this!

161. A gift before 9 am – trying to tickle JJ to make him laugh, seeing his eyes sparkle

162. A gift before noon – the boys out in the backyard digging a mud hole in the semi-frozen ground, Keeker and the boys playing teeter-totter

163. A gift after dark – time one-on-one with my little girl while the boys are at Awana and daddy works hard.


How about you? How has God been revealing his love to you? What ways have you found joy this week?