These last few weeks…well, months really… I feel as though my writing has been hap-hazard, lacking inspiration and a little on the fluffy side. I’ve been writing to fill the space, to keep the connections, and to somehow try to find again the joy that it has always given me. But it hasn’t really been working.
Yesterday, in talking with a friend about it, she told me she’s no stranger to it also – and the problem seems to stem from a lack-luster time of devotion with the Lord. How right she is! Since all-day-morning-sickness struck, my energy has been down, my desire to do much of anything has been nil, and my time in the word has been mediocre. I could use this as an excuse…or I could address it for what it has become – pure and simple laziness.
So enough is enough. While I may not be able to get up at 5 am again just yet (will I ever get back there again?!), I CAN do some other things about it. God has been graciously and patiently putting opportunities and people before me which have brought leaps of inspiration…and I’ve pushed them to the side. I’ve spend time in the Psalms, hills and valleys, which has brought great joy – but I’ve gone no deeper.
But no more! He has me here for a reason. No one needs this blog. No one needs my words more than I and they need to hear his words. And if he wants me to share, I want to put it out there, to encourage, inspire and bless. But the most important thing is that I STOP BEING LAZY AND DO!
These posts have inspired me to DO SOMETHING. I hope you will take some time to read through them, hear the writer’s heart if you haven’t already, and help keep me accountable in what God wants me to do.
1. 8 Weeks to a Less Cluttered Home – Keeper of the Home
Our house has been gathering and gathering things, and it’s time to get rid of the excess! Although the challenge began July 2nd, I’ve been putting it off, and I really need to get through and get rid of stuff we don’t need to hang on to. Especially with a new baby on the way! I’ve already taken probably 10-15 bags of stuff to Goodwill, but there’s deeper organizing and purging to be done.
2. 2012 Goals – Joyful Mothering
This is a snowball that keeps getting bigger and bigger! Money Saving Mom inspired Sarah Mae, whose post I read, but it wasn’t until hers inspired Christin’s that I decided I needed to do something about it. I’ll be writing more about this as I think and pray through what these goals should be – but I know I need them, NOW, before life gets crazy hectic all over again!
3. Some Thoughts on Intentional Parenting – #7 Tools – Jennifer A. Janes
I’ve known about the book club that Amanda Pelser is leading on Zan Tyler’s 7 Tools for Cultivating Your Child’s Potential. Perhaps deep down inside, underneath my “I don’t have time to do this!” I felt pride, thinking I don’t NEED to do this. I feel differently now. I want to be intentional in my parenting, to use every moment and make it count for eternity, to show God’s glory to my children while they are young. So I’m going to be reading along, and I hope you’ll consider joining in too!
4. The Freedom To Be Us – Momheart (Grace Full Mama)
Be your own family. No more comparisons to others. No more trying to be like other people. What is special for YOU as a family? What brings joy into your time together?
5. Modeling God To Your Sons – MOB Society (Nathan Clarkson)
This thought has stuck with me since I first read this a week or so ago – “You are the first picture of God they will see”. This is something that has been heavy on my heart – my husband and I have been talking about it and realizing our children’s best/worst models of behaviour and a relationship with God is US! What a burden that could be – if we don’t surrender it to HIM and allow him to change us along the way.
6. This Is My Job – Home With The Boys
It was 11 o’clock last night. I had spent 2 hours in the school room organizing, hubby was sick in bed, and I still had 3 massive loads of laundry to fold. So, of course, I sat down and read a few blogs instead :D One of them was Erin’s about her job – she’s a stay at home mom too, and choosing to glory in that. So instead of groaning, I decided to find joy and to praise Him for blessing me with the ones who make the messes for me to clean up – because one day there won’t be anymore laundry to do.
7. All I Seek – Be Still and Know (Simply Striving)
I don’t need anybody or anything but my Lord and Saviour. And I want to SEEK Him, SEE Him and KNOW Him every day.
8. It’s All About Connections – Our Good Life
My apologies to everyone who has commented on the blog and not gotten a response back! To those who have tweeted and I did not reply, I’m sorry! If I am going to use this space to encourage and bless others, if I am going to write, then I want to respond as you have taken the time to bless and encourage me with your words! I promise to try and do better!
9. Proverbs 31 – Week 9 – Wisdom and Kindness – Adventurez N Child Rearing
Problems will come and problems will go – but the command stays the same – LOVE God first, and LOVE one another. I struggle with kindness, responding in wisdom (I heard yesterday how a friend responded to her young son’s temper tantrum, and how he responded to her response – all of it completely the Holy Spirit at work!). I want and need more kindness….more wisdom in my responses, so as to not provoke my children. Lord help!
10. Blessings and Conviction – a beautiful bouquet – My Journey to Authenticity
The spread of the gospel….the speaking of the truth of God’s word…what I’m doing, is not enough. I want my love for others to grow, my desire to see them saved to come from God, and to rely on His word, His Holy Spirit at work through me.