Things have been pretty quiet on the blog around here lately. I’ve been spending some time catching up on my bible studies, digging deeper into the word, working back into my practice of prayer, working on a daily prayer challenge for husbands with ladies from our church, working on some heart issues with myself and our kids and preparing for a couple weeks of family vacation.
While I’m sorry it’s been so quiet for my readers, I’m not sorry that I’ve been able to get out and enjoy God’s creation while walking and praying almost every morning.
I’m not sorry that God has been revealing issues of pride buried deep in my heart in regards to my children, and is currently tearing those fortresses down COMPLETELY by exposing it and bringing out the worst so he can bring about the best.
I’m not sorry that I have been able to spend more time with my kids, enjoying them, being outdoors, reading, connecting, discipling, learning how to give grace and love while disciplining.
And I’m not sorry that I’ve had more time to be in God’s word without “some” distractions – but I am sorry that it has taken me this long to get to it.
In reading through Hosea 2 yesterday, where God describes Israel’s unfaithfulness, much as a wife (or husband’s) unfaithfulness to their spouse – running away from God.
Hosea 2:5
For their mother has played the whore; she who conceived them has acted shamefully. For she said, ‘I will go after my lovers who give my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, my oil and my drink.’ 6 Therefore I will hedge up her way with thorns, and I will build a wall against her, so that she cannot find her paths. 7 She shall pursue her lovers but not overtake them, and she shall seek them, but shall not find them. Then she shall say, ‘I will go and return to my first husband, for it was better for me then than now.’
I have allowed other things to get in the way of my quiet time – things that aren’t necessarily bad, rather they’re things which have been very encouraging and a blessing! Chatting with friends, responding to e-mails and comments, reading other’s blogs, etc.
But they have kept me from going deeper – rushing to get through everything to have time before everyone else gets up, left me lacking. I pursued other things, but was not able to overtake them or find satisfaction in them – because my only satisfaction can be found in my First Love.
Hosea 2:14
Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her. 15 And there I will give her her vineyards and make the Valley of Achor a door of hope. And there she shall answer as in the days of her youth, as at the time when she came out of the land of Egypt. 16 And in that day, declares the LORD, you will call me ‘My Husband,’….
The picture here is stunning. Amazing. Absolutely perfectly fitting for what has been happening over the past few months. I’m in a wilderness, literally crying out, undone, without strength or wisdom. Then, God gently calling, alluring me into a place of rest. And finally, when I get there again, I never want to leave it.
My faith and my strength is restored and renewed as in the first days of passionate worship!
Where are you right now with your relationship with God? Are you pursuing other lovers? Are you looking for fulfillment in other places – whether it be blogging or writing of any kind, your family, friends, career, status.
Are you sacrificing your time in the word and prayer for anything? Or are you seeking rest in the one who has made you and called you by name?
Listen to him. Follow him. Pursue the heart of your God. You will never be satisfied any other way.
Counting to 1,000 Gifts
371. Family vacation coming up!
372. Early morning walks in the sunshine
373. New life in spring – hearts and the world
374. Maturity moments in our children
375. Getting up early to be in the word
376. Tulips blooming
377. Birds singing their morning song
378. Fun little gifts from hubby’s Polish grandma
379. Surprises hiding inside cupcakes
380. A new book to read ( a few! and time to read them :D)
381. Yellow tree in the front yard showing off its colour
382. Pink blossoms on a morning walk.
383. Lilacs beginning to bud beside the house.
384. Using Instagram for the first time on my android! But actually not being overly impressed :D
385. New sandals for vacation
386. The holes in the boys knees of their pants – well played in
387. Wearing hats because it’s so sunny out!
388. Excitement of meeting new friends in just a few days!