Winter really gets a bad rap, and it isn’t quite fair! There is so much beauty to enjoy – ice covered eaves-troughs, snow-laden branches, animal footprints scattered across the top of the snow, the cold winter sun sparkling off the pristine snowbanks. It’s a literal feast for your eyes!
Our family is one that really enjoys the winter (*dodges snowball!). When you live in central Ontario in Canada, it’s kind of hard to get away from it. Especially this year where we have been experiencing record breaking lows in our temps, and a fair amount of snowfall.
But we’ve made a conscious decision to embrace winter instead of drag our feet through the season. And you can too!
Here are 5 things YOU can try to help you turn your winter blahs into winter YEAHS!
Get outside and enjoy nature!
Find a way to get you and your family outdoors throughout the week to really enjoy the beauty of winter. Whether you’re in a frozen tundra with no snow, or experiencing massive amounts of snowfall, there are so many ways to embrace it. Take a walk and see how many animals or tracks you can spot.
Build a bird feeder for chickadees and fill it with black sunflower seeds (if you build it, they will come!).
Do a winter tree or sky study, and learn about how our world changes during the winter months. Try to identify trees from their buds and branches.
Read books about snowflakes and do some fun activities (we read Snowflake Bentley a little while ago and it is phenomenal!). Learn about a snowflake’s intricate designs – be in awe of this marvelous creation!
If you have no snow, try this winter walk and scavenger hunt from Handbook of Nature Study.
Endeavor to view nature through new eyes, and look for signs of life in what may seem to be lying dormant. You’ll be surprised at what you can find!
Go sledding, make a snow angel, build a snow fort – whether you have kids or not, playing in the snow just seems to do something wonderful for the heart.
Plan fun indoor activities (for when the weather outside is frightful!)
If the weather is just not cooperating for you to get outdoors, there are plenty of fun things to do inside!
Plan a fun games or movie night, special meals from different countries, make snow ice cream or maple sugar candy, or have some friends over and make your own hot chocolate bar.
Borrow some new books from the library and curl up on the couch or cushions with a warm blanket and popcorn, light a fire in the fireplace and let the warmth from the flames work their magic.
Winter is as good a time as any to go swimming. Head on over to a local community center or pool and take a dip into the smooth waters! Or sign up for a swim fitness class to keep the blood pumping and your energy up.
Take up a hobby or learn a new skill
Knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, scrapbooking, writing, crafting, finger painting, woodworking, sewing, repurposing old clothes, whatever it may be! Teach yourself or have someone else teach you – the more the merrier! Keep those hands busy and watch the time fly by.
Plan a getaway or adventure
We all seem to get the travel bug or cabin fever around about the middle of February. Planning something to look forward to (and it doesn’t have to be elaborate) for whenever you notice everyone starts to get restless really helps with being able to enjoy winter more.
Maybe it’s a road trip to visit family for the weekend, or a ski trip, or a cabin in the woods, having friends sleepover for the weekend, or a trip to someplace warm (even if it’s just a beach picnic in your living room with the fireplace roaring!). Put your heads together to come up with an idea for what will keep you looking ahead to a fun time together.
Do a winter sport – together!
One of the best ways to beat the winter blahs is by simply staying active.
When asked why we enjoy winter as much as we do, and what helps to get us through to the spring, one of the biggest reasons I can think of is probably this: Hitting the slopes.
When life hands you snow, make powder!
Both The Man and I have been skiing since we were about 10 years old. Our families did it together, and now we are taking our own families out on the slopes. Though I’ve moved on to snowboarding (there’s just something more secure about having your feet together in one place), we still so enjoy being able to do this sport together as a family.
This love for being together in the snow on the slopes is what helps keep us excited every time another snowfall happens. Whether it’s skiing, tobogganing, skating, curling, hockey, etc., if you can involve your family in a winter sport, you may find you enjoy the winter that much more!
What do you love to do on those long winter days?
Check out some more great ideas for help with Surviving the Winter Blahs over at iHomeschool Network!