I’m back! I’ve missed week in review for a few weeks because of craziness happening over the weekends. Which just means I have more pictures and less to say this time around…maybe :D
In our homeschool….over the last 2-3 weeks….we’ve been learning the letter D with Keeker! She’s grasping onto the sounds of D, already knowing what D looks like, and has been learning some animals that start with D.
Like Dog…and Duck….and Dinosaur!
Princesses do school too :D
We used Letter D worksheets from Spell Out Loud, Confessions of a Homeschooler, Tot School Printables and Homeschool Creations.
(yes, we sometimes do homeschool in our pjs :D)
Love this puzzle – makes finding and learning the letter and picture matches a bit easier!
I love that the library always has tons of resources for free, so we did a search for duck and dinosaur and picked up these great books to help us learn more about them and our letter sounds.
Duck, Duck, Goose (a cute story about sharing and friends – there’s also a counting book and another book in the “series”)
Bones, Bones, Dinosaur Bones (we love Byron Barton – we have 3 others of his books!)
How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? (this is a great joke book – we have another one of these and JJ loves to read it!)
Have You Ever Seen A Duck In A Raincoat?
Dinosaurumpus (this book is HYSTERICAL! We loved it, I may need to get my own copy! Got the kids moving in all kinds of ways, so it works great for fitness too ;D)
Duck Skates (cute little book, perfect for wintertime!)
A is for Adam (I wish we had the new version and an ipad so we could use the app!)
What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?
Following along with my intention to try and do 1 craft with the kids a week, we made foam ducks and dinosaurs (the boys are studying dinosaurs in science).
We tried using sticky back tags instead of glue – a stroke of genius! More hands off for me and hands on for the kids!
This duck reminds me so much of Sid the Sloth!
JJ with his version of an ankylosaurus.
Our math has really been taking off – The Boy especially is picking up his math facts so quickly!
This is one reason why I love RightStart Math! He’s not as fast as memorizing, but he’s actually THINKING through the answers and finding them faster and faster. Not that speed is everything, but it’s kind of fun to see the progression. The other day he did the 8 times table without knowing it!
In science we are studying dinosaurs – probably one of the boys’ favourite subjects, and subjects within a subject. I get cheers every time I bring the Apologia book out at lunch time :D
We’re just touching on the basics of dinosaurs, learning a few different orders, genus and species – the boys already know so much about them, I’m not sure how, except for just learning different dinosaur names along the way! I still remember when The Boy was 3 telling daddy one of his play dinosaurs was a parasuarolophus – and he was right!
We used the Dinosaur Report Forms with pictures of the dinosaurs we were learning about and a section to record their anatomy, possible diet and some interesting facts. For once the boys were excited about filling the sections in :D I had wanted to use more of the printables from here, but we didn’t get a chance to this time.
At the end of the chapter we decided to classify the toy dinosaurs the boys had – based on what we had learned about them we were able to break it down into the 3 possible orders, then into their genus. It was fun, so much fun!
In my life this week…this past month really, has been rough. No sickness hit us, but lots of prayers went up because it has been striking all around us, and lots of vitamins went in. Yet I’m still struggling to release things. I need more time for prayer – not so much for others, though that is important, but to focus on some things in my life too.
I’ve been blessed with a date night EVERY WEEK this month so far! It is amazing, I love spending time with my man! Absence does make the heart grow fonder, but spending time together grow the hearts closer together. Grateful for my family, and friends, who have been able to babysit and give us such great time together!
I am inspired by….the girl who memorized 1,100 bible verses for a Bible Bee – requiring 3-6 hours of memorization a day. Kids in our church and co-op group who go to Bible quizzing….my children who are memorizing verses quickly and inspiring me to keep feeding it to them.
My favourite thing this week was…..having an opportunity to experience an AMAZING Korean BBQ with friends! If you’ve never gone before, you will never eat so much meat in one sitting in your life…but it is so worth it :D Just make sure you find a recommended place!
Watching big hands help little hands…
Enjoying the pure concentration and calm of tackling an obstacle head-on…
I’m reading….LOTS of books about Canadian geography for our own geo course at home and co-op.
Little House in the Big Woods with the kids
Keeping His Way Pure (an e-book I won – review to come)
Pursuit of Proverbs 31 (review coming!)
I’m grateful for….opportunities to teach our children the truth, majesty and glory of God through our daily devotions, bible study and school work! 2 “snowstorms” this week to hopefully give us some more time to hit the slopes!
I’m praying for….an opportunity to attend Allume! 5 more days until tickets go on sale! Still waiting for a go-ahead :0)
A possible opportunity to bless others with the 21 Days of Prayer for Sons study