Yeah, wow, it’s already that time of year to start talking about what we’re doing next school year! I usually like to have it figured out before we finish the year, but inevitably it doesn’t quite get completed. Something is always changing, which is why I like the flexibility of homeschooling! Though it is just nearing the end of July, I am definitely already looking forward to starting up school again in September (maybe earlier if we get bored enough :D).
We aren’t changing too much over the next year. Our math stays the same – both boys will be using RightStart, and depending on how much we get done over the summer, they’ll be starting Levels C and D.
The boys picked Astronomy for our next Apologia science study and I’m REALLY looking forward to getting into it! We purchased only the junior notebook this time as last year we had both and found we still only used about half of each. Now to find some planetariums and fun field trips to incorporate (Ontario Science Centre, here we come!). We’ll attempt to do 2 days of reading each week, alternating with history the other two (our 5th school day is a full day at co-op). This also means we’ll get to use our Big Book of Earth and Sky a lot! Hurrah!
I’m excited to dig into Mystery of History volume 1 – Creation to Christ this fall! I hummed and hawed whether I should start it in the summer, but we’ve been so enjoying our readings from A Child’s History of the World, Trial and Triumph and An Island Story (all Ambleside Online recommendations) that I decided to just wait until September.
We will also be using Heritage History to supplement the readings and learning time. It’s a CD that contains many children’s classic history books which help to bring history alive. I’ve always had a love for history, and so appreciate the earlier written books which contain so much information and present it in a way that’s just so interesting to all of us. Books that come ALIVE, as opposed to textbooks that just fill your head with information you forget once it’s closed. If you haven’t checked out Heritage History yet, you’re missing out!
I’m a rebel when it comes to conforming to a “reading program” as I like to design my own based off reading lists. But this usually means a lot of work, heh. So I’m drawing on recommended readings for age groups and reading ability, and we’ll also be doing one novel study for JJ (Grade 2) and The Boy (Grade 4) in each term.
While I REALLY love All About Spelling, with 3 kids now needing to be “taught” spelling, it’s becoming too much of a time commitment.
Grade 4 – We’ll be moving The Boy into independent spelling practice and dictation with Spelling Workout.
Grade 2 – JJ will continue with AAS through Level 3 and 4, and then move on to the same.
Kindergarten – Keekers will be starting AAS Level 1 in September.
Grade 4 – Sigh. This I still don’t have figured out. Our co-op eventually does Excellence in Writing, but it might not be for another year yet for The Boy. I’ve been looking into WriteShop for him, just to help get the creative juices going – it’s something that doesn’t require too much planning for me and includes everything I would need to teach. While I had planned to continue to the next level of Easy Grammar, I’ve since changed my mind. Though I LOVE the independence of this program, I wanted something that would incorporate reading, spelling and writing together. After asking many trusted friends who have used it, I finally settled on Rod & Staff‘s grammar program. It can be teacher or student taught, depending on the material covered and their ability / competence, plus brings together elements of spelling and writing along with the english grammar. We’ll give it a shot this year and see how it goes!
Grade 2 –First Languages Lessons Level 2 with Writing With Ease Level 2. We don’t do every lesson – too much overlap! And we might even switch this to Rod & Staff if I like it enough.
Kindergarten – All About Reading level 1 and Raising Rockstars Kindergarten.
Everything else will be take it as we can. I purchased Usborne’s book of Art Ideas to let the kids pick a project a week, and I still really have my eye on Tricia’s free pastel art tutorials and books – I feel like we can do anything with her instructions, they’re so easy to follow!
I’d love to hear what your plans are for the coming school year! Let me know in the comments and/or link to your blog post so I can read about it :0)
To hear what other homeschool moms have planned for the coming school year, check out the post Teach Them Diligently Curriculum Choices
*Edited to add* It’s curriculum week at the Not Back To School Blog Hop over at iHomeschool Network!